

My name is Bruno Bartulic. Since a child I was always involved into movement. Olympic Gymnastics, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Surfing and more. When I discover Yoga after a car accident I was completely amazed: a complete physical activity combined with the emotional training aspect! I thought it was a very intelligent mix – and I still think. Body awareness, strength, mobility, meditation and relaxation.

I felt a strong need to learn everything I could about Yoga. I was very fortunate to study with amazing teachers, I went to India where I studied directly with Swami Dayananda Saraswati and Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. I became Yoga teacher in 2001 and since then, my mission is to spread the Yoga knowledge wherever I go. I’ve been teaching in Brazil, Croatia, France, Portugal and I am currently living in Denmark.

In 2007 I became Teacher Trainer. At least once a year, I offer a one month intense course, when we experience together daily practice and theoretical studies. It’s a transformative and life changing experience.